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MOMEX (Money Management Expert System)

CSI (Complex Systems, Inc.)

MOMEX is a decision support tool for trading, hedging, and riskmanagement designed for traders, financial advisors, and security tradingfirm personnel.The uniqueness of MOMEX is its expert system technology that incorporatesstandard technical analysis techniques and user-definable rules, lettingyou construct your own strategies and test different methods throughsimulated trading. Rule-generated market situation assessments andrecommendations on positions to take, entry and exit points, and more,assist you in determining the best trading opportunities.MOMEX is designed to incorporate your proprietary knowledge andstrategies. new models can be defined quickly and reliably, and you caneasily change decision rules and parameters. The system can be tailoredto the specific requirements of your organization, offering an excellentedge in today's market.MOMEX can be interfaced with your existing front and back officeenvironment, providing an integrated multi-user working environment.MOMEX is a product of DCL Systems International LTD.

Language: C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

CSI (Complex Systems, Inc.)
130 Cedar St
New York, NY 10006
Phone: (212) 766-4324
Fax: (212) 227-5915